Saturday, November 8, 2008 Lorna Pridmore

aesthetic aesthetic aesthetic
alchemy alchemy
allusive allusive allusive
altered altered altered
atmospheric atmospheric
construction construction construction
contained contained contained contained
contradiction contradiction
controlled controlled controlled
cuboids cuboids
emotive emotive
endurance endurance
essence essence
everyday everyday
form form form form
heavy heavy
hidden hidden
imbued imbued imbued imbued
innate innate
instinctive instinctive
integrity integrity
laboured laboured laboured
light light
maker maker maker maker
manmade manmade
material material material material
measured measured
natural natural
obsessive obsessive
opposites opposites
ordinary ordinary
painstaking painstaking painstaking
particular particular particular particular
physical physical physical physical
placement placement
process process process
push push
quiet quiet
repetition repetition
representation representation
resistance resistance resistance
spherical spherical
still still still
symbolic symbolic
tactile tactile
tested tested
texture texture
touch touch touch touch
transform transform transform
undercurrents undercurrents undercurrents undercurrents

1 aesthetic - pleasing in appearance
2 affinity - a feeling of identification with something
3 alchemy - a power of transformation
4 allusive - that makes or contains an indirect reference to something
5 aloof - physically distant or apart
6 altered - to become different
7 atmospheric - evoking or producing an emotional tone or aesthetic quality
8 balanced - containing elements in suitable quantities or arranged to produce a whole
9 cerebral - involving the psychological processes of thinking and reasoning
10 considered - carefully thought out or regarded in a particular way
11 construction - a structure or thing that has been built or put together
12 contained - to keep an emotion under control
13 contemplative - calm and thoughtful, or inclined to be this way
14 contradiction - something that contains parts or elements that are inconsistent
15 contrasted - an effect created by placing very different things next to each other
16 controlled - carefully measured and regulated to achieve a desired result
17 cuboids - a solid figure of six rectangular planes set at right angles to the adjacent sides
18 dark - little known or kept hidden from others
19 discovery - the fact or process of finding out about something for the first time
20 disguise - to change something so that it cannot be recognised
21 duality - a situation that has two states or parts that are complementary or opposed
22 emotive - causing or intended to cause emotion
23 empirical - based on observation and experiment rather than theory
24 endurance - the ability to bear prolonged exertion, pain or hardship
25 essence - the basic element or feature of something; the quality that makes it what it is
26 ethereal - very delicate or highly refined
27 everyday - having no remarkable feature to set it apart
28 exacting - demanding hard work and great effort
29 experiment - a test carried out to discover the results of a particular course of action
30 focused - concentrated on a single thing
31 form - a thing's nature, structure or essence apart from its content, colour and texture
32 found - discover by chance or effort
33 fragile - not strong, sound or secure and unlikely to withstand stresses and strains
34 handmade - made by hand, not by machine
35 heavy - weighing a relatively large amount and thus difficult to lift, carry or move
36 hidden - to conceal something
37 imbued - to make something rich with a particular quality
38 immanent - existing within or inherent within something
39 industrial - relating to, used in, or created by industry
40 inert - not moving or able to move
41 innate - relating to qualities a person is born with
42 instinctive - having a particular quality or skills spontaneously without effort or instruction
43 intangible - difficult to define or describe clearly, but nonetheless perceived
44 integrity - the quality of adhering to high principles and standards
45 laboured - requiring a great deal of effort
46 latent - present in the unconscious but not consciously expressed
47 light - of little weight, not heavy; easy to lift
48 loop - a figure produced by a curve, or a doubled thread that crosses itself
49 maker - somebody who creates something
50 manipulate - to control or influence something in an ingenious or devious way
51 manmade - made by human beings and not occurring naturally
52 material - relating to or consisting of solid physical matter
53 measured - slow, deliberate, or carefully considered
54 metamorphosis - a complete or marked change of physical form, structure or substance
55 metaphorical - the application of a descriptive term which is imaginative but not literal
56 mutable - capable of changing, or subject to change
57 natural - present in or produced by nature
58 object - something that is perceived as an entity and referred by a name
59 obsessive - to preoccupy and fill the mind continually
60 opposites - something that is completely different from another or from what is expected
61 ordered - an organised state, with elements arranged properly, neatly, or harmoniously
62 ordinary - of a common, everyday kind
63 organised - to apply efficient working methods in order to work effectively
64 painstaking - involving or showing great care and attention to detail
65 particular - taking great care when making a choice and having high standards
66 patience - the ability to endure and persevere calmly when faced with difficulties
67 physical - existing in the real material world, and able to be touched and seen
68 placement - the act of placing or arranging something in a particular place or position
69 poetic - having qualities associated with poetry, especially in being gracefully expressive
70 precise - very careful about small details
71 process - to prepare something in a series of steps or actions
72 push - to extend something beyond the usual limits
73 questioning - expressing a question without using words
74 quiet - not grand, showy or pretentious
75 reflection - careful thought; the process of reconsidering prior actions or decisions
76 repetition - the act of doing something again
77 representation - to symbolise or stand for something
78 resistance - a force that opposes or slows down another force
79 shape - to mold something into a different shape
80 slow - taking a long time to do or create something
81 solid - built out of strong substantial material and not likely to break or collapse
82 specific - with individual qualities that allow a distinction to be made or necessary
83 spherical - relating to a sphere, or to spheres in general
84 still - subdued, gentle or quiet
85 stress - a force or system of forces exerted and resulting in deformation or strain
86 subjective - existing only in the mind and not independently of it
87 subliminal - entering, existing in, or affecting the mind without conscious awareness
88 subtle - cleverly indirect and understated
89 surface - the outermost part of a thing, the one that can be seen and touched
90 symbolic - using a symbol or symbols to represent something else
91 tactile - pleasing or interesting to the sense of touch
92 tangible - able to be touched or perceived through the sense of touch
93 tested - a trial run-though of a process to find out if it works
94 texture - the feel and appearance of a surface, especially how rough or smooth it is
95 touch - to be in, or bring something into, physical contact with an object
96 transference - the transferring of something from one place to another
97 transform - to change things completely
98 transience - coming to an end, disappearing or changing
99 undercurrents - a feeling or force felt to be present but not openly shown or expressed
100 weight - the heaviness of something

1 comment:

Maggie L said...

Lorna, are we laying bets on your final one- it has to be 'painstaking' ......!