Friday, October 24, 2008

My Dream walk

This walk is a true journey which I undertook whilst sleeping around 8am on Friday morning. This was less of a walk I suppose and more of a journey through my thoughts and subconscious; my sleeping mind. Writing these moments I hope will help me remember this strange occurrence and perhaps help me to understand myself on a deeper scale. What is this subconscious mind? How does it come to our awareness so suddenly with no warning after being forgotten for months, perhaps even years?
It all began (as far as I can recall) in a hazy opening in the country, where the trees and green leaves were vibrant and blowing in the dreamlike summer breeze. It seemed like somewhere near home as I felt safe and calm. I came to, staring upwards at the light piercing the bright green leaves. It is funny how happenings in dreams appear to have no relation to each other upon awakening, but in our dreamlike state these places and motions flow together, the pieces of the puzzle vanishing as one awakens. Would these missing links have been more of a help to understanding this subconscious confusion? I wandered in this happy dream world until I came across many situations taking me away from this calm and happy space. I began a job as a bartender, my happy world morphing into a dingy but homely local pub, awash with dark wood floors, dark wood walls covered in pub grime. I pulled pints, and threw around cocktails being taught these new skills. As I worked away earning my keep, slowly familiar old faces began to seep into the building; old school friends, friends from when I was a baby, old teachers, old parents and hundreds of faces from my past. Why are they here? Should I talk to them? Should I have contacted them during the years? Are they angry at me? Their voices kept building and looking and growing in intensity until I knew I had to leave. I was unsure of what I should do, carrying this feeling of unfinished business though all I wanted to do was to move on. I had to get away, it was too much. I had to change my clothes, it was the only solution, to change my appearance and leave as quickly as possible.
I cannot recall what I changed into but at this point I awoke with an odd feeling of guilt and regret. There were two biscuits next to my pillow.

ps. Hello everybody! I finally have an internet connection, amazing!!! Looking foward to reading everyones writings x x x peace!

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