Wednesday, October 15, 2008


terracotta tiled step
concrete swirled in shades of peaches, browns greys and yellows
charcoal poured concrete pavement gray, cracked and fissured littered with chewed gum, strewn with leaves
asphalt interruptions and asphalt repairs - asphalt is now what once was a tree
j gibs and co of london
post office telephones
gray pavement sprinkled with sand
black asphalt tarmac patches
water saturated holed plywood panels
moulded concrete drive demarcation
heavy clumps of dark brown clay
concrete ramp cracked, potholed sinking and depressed
ham baker and co fire hydrant maker of westminster sw
pebbled concrete pavement laden with gum and blemished with paint
around the corner left - foot in size square gray paving stones too littered with gum, drips of paint, fag ends leaves
pink paintcan stain
themes water, telegraph bt
so slightly sloping
head right, legoesque tactile tiles a shade of cadmium red light
look right in thick white heavy industrial road paint
imbedded crimson grit crossing middled and ended with more red tactile tiles
left to rectangular paving slabs of about a 1½ foot by 2 foot dimension
slicked iridescent oil, scattered leaves and squares that are rectangles
cracked, smashed-in, shattered or diagonally cut shades of medium gray
herringbone brick in crimson
asphalt drive, nearly black
back to squares that are rectangles concaved and undulating
red spray paint arrows
thames water thames water thames water thames water thames water
exposed earth
piece meal tarmaced drive to
gray of purple hue herringbone brick with tyre spread paint
metal grating, elastic bands, hair pin, cigarette butts, nails, chicken bones feather
big wide cracks, large puddles of water
dark brown gray gray
concrete shapes with patch work repairs, pressed punchwork texture with shoe prints
circular drain
exposed earth
twigs, deep red to orange mountain ash berries spotting the floor
peter savage ductile 02 08 02
pebbled concrete asphalt tarmac
parallel lines and abstract geometric shapes
gray dark gray, pinks - deep pink, dark pink maroon, greens yellows red
leaves ensnared in puddles
puddle choked with rubbish
peter savage ductile 25 06 02
mountain ash berries, red orange
parallel lines meandering towards and away from one another
pine needles, evergreen fur
look right, cadmium red deep
tactile tiles of caramel yellow sprayed with red and blue paint
drainage gutter in brown gray concrete
asphalt asphalt asphalt and yet more asphalt


HOAX said...

this makes me hungry. x

Heather T said...

what do you mean lulu ??? x